Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas with The Cieteks

If Harper hadn't already been spoiled rotten over the holidays, well, welcome to Albany. Grandma Cietek had so many treats for her! Toys, puzzles, her own laptop (ok Leaptop), clothes, and a beautiful scarf she knitted. She had a Christmas Tiger that kept Harper very curious and quite scared. It was funny to watch her eyeball Tiger to make sure he was not going to get her! Auntie Steph gave Harper lots of goodies and loved making her giggle running up and down the steps. We had a blast and thanks for spoiling Harper and us.....Bob and I got to sleep in every morning. Might have to go out on a limb and say it quite possibly was my favorite Christmas gift...the gift of sleep and alone time....I'm sure any Mom or Dad can relate to how amazing that is!

Aunt Mo (Monique is Harper's Great Aunt) gave her her first American Girl doll. Bitty Baby! And as you can see, she absolutely adored it. She also gave Harper pajamas to match the baby and the cutest rabbit house slippers you have ever seen. Harper put them on and would not take them off.

It was the sweetest thing to watch her snuggle her baby. She would pat her on the back and kiss her gently. It melts my heart to watch her love on her babies.
The slippers! Are they not ridiculous?!!
I don't know if I have mentioned this, but Harper also loves wearing lipstick! And guess who taught her about makeup.....Aunt Mo!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. Harper loves her baby doll, glad to see all her Matilda Jane clothing on her,so sweet.

  2. Love the house shoes from Mon., and the makeup, so darn sweet.


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