Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Highlights

Hanging at the back door at Nana's eagerly looking for the cats.
Two very tired troops, play hard..sleep harder!
World's Greatest Nana
Harper's fan club, they love to fight over her. Steve usually wins.
My sis Lee Ann, her hubby Steve and two kiddos, Benjamin and Baylen
Poor Moss, she longs for these moments. The only reason she is sleeping is because Harper and Poppie are in the picture above. Notice she is ON the furniture, she graduated off the floor this Thankgiving. I guess everyone feels sorry for her.
As my Mom would say, "Bless Her Heart."
Harper and Poppie playing "Night Night"

Ahhhhh....Harper takes a slight pause in her busy schedule for Mommy to capture a very still moment.


  1. Really good pictures, Love you, Moma

  2. I love your new main picture! She is so pretty!

  3. I have this intuition that Harper and Finley are going to be friends someday. I just see them being buds!


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