Saturday, May 14, 2011

Franklin Festival

The Franklin Festival is held the last weekend of April every year and it is chocked full of food, arts and crafts, singing, drinking, and usually hot weather for some reason. This year was our first year to make it over to the "carni" side of the festival for the kids! Lots of bouncy towers and slides, pony rides, pet zoos (so sad and disgusting), and plenty of sweet treats to munch on.
These chips were served by the Red Pony's food cart and they are called Junk Chips! Homemade chips with a blue cheese cream, hot sauce, bacon, and green onions! Oh Dear (one of my new sensored sayings and yes Harper repeats it everytime) were they delicious. Bob doesn't like blue cheese (which I forgot;) so that meant Harper and I would have to indulge. WE DID!
I tried to help Harp see her shadow but she didn't think much about it.

Chips make us thirsty....AHHHHH (one of her favorite ways to polish off a big SIP)
All girl!

Can you see us coming down the slide? She loved this slide and I did until 3 kids slammed into my very old person back with their grubby feet at the end of the slide. Ughh, I guess I am not as quick as I used to be or do they not have jumpy thingy sliding etiquette? I believe the later.
Daddy was firing away trying to get a few good shots of Harp bouncing around. She clearly loves this thing but as you can see she is always shy at first. She sort of checks out her surroundings and then commits to a plan!

We met up with our buddy's Jackie and Ryan Harry. Their little one Will is 4 and Ethan is 2 weeks older than Harper. They had a blast.
Well, she was having a blast until we had to leave!
And like clock work, she passes out blissfully on the way home!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The latest on Moss and Harper

It looks as though Moss has torn her ACL (ligament in knee) and "should" have surgery. We took her up to a Doggie Physical Therapist and he recommended surgery with rehab following.
It's not so much the surgery we are concerned's the rehab. VERY controlled and CONSTANT attention....we may have to way until Fall/Winter when we are a lot less busy around here! She is doing ok though, she limps quite a bit but we are pumping her with lots of nutrition and supplements to keep swelling and inflammation at a minimum.
Harps liked hanging at the Vet....she took her best buddy these days (Olivia the Pig) with her.

These sweet shots were barely captured. This girl is so quick these days I have to have everything at arms length or forget it:)

Harper tries to balance on anything. She walks around constantly on her toes or in Mommy's shoes, especially my heels.

Two of her 20 best buddies, Minnie and Olivia! Although in Harper's lingo it is:

"Min me" and "Olibia"

Other favorites in Harper lingo

Beeooo....Video (she loves to watch her own videos)
Mommy hodee... Mommy hold me (of course this comes at anytime she wants anything)
Smoomee.... Smoothie (hilarious to hear and I make her say it at least 10 times a morning)
Locean....Lotion (the kid is obsessed with this after bath...or anytime really)

These are just some of the sweet sounds I hear on a daily basis or makes me crack up continuously. It is really amazing how funny a 21 month old can really be!

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