Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello Hello Hello!

No, I didn't stop my internet service or become imprisoned or forget I had a computer. I's just plain old LIFE that happens and you sort of focus everything elsewhere!

Life has been so hectic but good. So much good and so much craziness. Over the last two months my baby has evolved into a smart spunky big little toddler that has been so sick she has to get tubes put in next week , work has bulldozed most of my little bit of free time I used to have , and my honey is the best Daddy being the glue that keeps us clean, fed, and taking care of of our sweet doggie Moss that has also been granted a bit of unfortunate news.

That was such a mouthful and it is only the tip of the iceberg! When someone ask me what have I been up to... there is no blog or facebook entries, I start spewing all this information and they probably wish they never asked. At least with my blog, if you log on and read this far, I suppose you actually want to know:)

Stay tuned for a bit of humor, sadness, lots of laughs and happiness to get you caught up on the Cietek household.

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