Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give me Something Good to Eat! I have been singing this to Harper this week. She sort of sways back and forth and looks at me with the "I don't know what you are saying but I like everything better in a song," look!

Lots of Halloween fun this weekend! She went to the school Monster Bash, tricker treated in our neighborhood and loved it, and polished it off with a Halloween festival at our friends neighborhood. Absolutely a hit with Harper and I loved seeing her in costume, even though it sort of fell apart a little more each time she put it on:) I think she is going to like dress up and I am certainly going to love making Halloween costumes!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I just noticed I have two official followers! THANK YOU for loving my blog enough to FOLLOW me! I want to love your blog back if you have one, please send it to me! If anyone else remotely cares to take the extra extra time out of your very busy day....please officially sign up and make me feel extremely important:)

To do that, just see the right side of my blog under Followers! And sign your life away to me!

Ciao from jessica c.....

October Fun!

On my way to drop off Harper one morning I thought it would be fun to post a day in the life of Harper, or maybe just a day at a glance in our lives. The thought turned into a photo montage of moments in October. I struggle with this new found creativity in Mommyworld of wanting to do so much with such little time. It's like the ideas come flooding in when I am rocking her to sleep and what bad timing. Makes sense, it's the only time of the day when I relax and think of my life at a glance. So as a result, I have this blog that I spill my late night or early morning afterthoughts into print. Let's face it, most people like blogs because the pictures really tell the story. I hope you continue to enjoy my story, seeing that it basically revolves around the sweetest face in the world!
These shots are at an old mansion down the street from us after school one day. The Autumn leaves are amazing this time of year, just practicing for when they all fall down!

New Gap skinny jeans, can't get enough of them. I'm totally pulling the whole spray tan obsessed "Toddlers and Tiaras" mom thing....I'm submitting her jean picture to GAP's jean audition, a one year old in skinny jeans is really irresistible! To be continued.....
One morning while making coffee, I realized the house was a little too quiet. I finished making the coffee of course and rounded the corner into the playroom to find this! Poor Moss, she is totally adjusting "Bless Her Heart" my Mom would say.
You know it, my girl is rockin the CATS and piggies on game day Fridays at school. And to our delight, another UK fan is among us in Harper's class.

The weather in Nashville has been gorgeous and right at home is where you can find us any afternoon.

Nana and Poppie came in last weekend and brought Harper plenty of kisses and hugs. Also, this sweet dress that is ridiculous with boots! I absolutely love dressing her these days because her little legs and short body make everything that much sweeter.
I do hope you enjoy the smiles, it is the perfect beginning and end to any day!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dog Days, Apple Fest, and Ham Days

Dog Days hands down is one of the best days of Fall in Nashville. It is a special event just for dogs and we have tried to take Moss almost every Fall. This year was the best so far because we got to see it through the eyes of a child, it really makes it a different experience.
We see so so many different dogs and anything you would want to buy for them. Most importantly, it is all to support Nashville Humane Society. Although Bob and I are huge dogs lovers, I think Harper Elle may get the blue ribbon in our family. She wanted to KISS each and every dog she saw. Because she and Moss are the best of buds, she gives her kisses all the time....well she doesn't understand that all dogs don't want her sloppy wet kisses. MOST of them do but you never know! So we let her run, and eat, and play as hard as she could.
The shaved ice was a huge hit with Harper but most of all with Bob! A great start to Fall and an amazing day with the fam...
Apple Fest is my hometown festival that is always the last weekend of September. Over the years I have taken friends and family but the festival still stays the same. Lots of colorful people, plenty of knick knacks that you really don't need or want but seem to buy them anyway, blasts from the past good and bad, and of course horrible food that looks so good when you order it and afterward you wish so bad you ate the nuts and pretzels in your purse! This year I decided to join my Mom and Sister to work their own booth to help them sell all sorts of stuff. Along with the planning, I got inspired to sell something myself! Little ones t-shirts. I made about 30 shirts and sold 2!!!! Yeah, needless to say, Harper has an entire collection of shirts to enjoy over the next 3 years:) :(

Ham Days is festival in Spring Hill TN and we wouldn't miss a chance for a country ham biscuit and fried pies! Yeah, I'm thinking Fall is definitely not good for my waistline, but great for the family. Well, we did have our ham biscuit and fried pie and I did NOT regret this meal. It was delicious and today I'm wishing we would have gotten one or two to go!
We had a blast with Harper and soaked in the sun. Days like this I wish they would never end.... Until next weekend and our next festival. To be cont.....

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