Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Garden pics

This is my new garden tote Bob bought for me for our anniversary. I adore how clean and organized it is now, but by the end of summer it should be broken in. I actually didn't realize how much work I can get done with the right tools, I have always worked with a hand shovel and one other tool that basically makes a small hole in the ground. Having all these tools I feel so fancy gardening, maybe I will "look" like I know what I'm doing:)
I have eaten the lettuce and arugula and it is so so yummy. The broccoli is almost ready, with the onions and potatoes not far behind. It's so fun just to experiment and see things growing and how it all works. The man that made this possible is a guy in our community that has worked and prepared over 90 garden plots for people in Thompson's Station to have a garden at no charge! I can't imagine why most people would not want to take advantage, I hope it keeps growing each year!
If any of you fellow gardeners have any good books, websites, or blogs that you think I would like, please send them my way! Happy Gardening.

Garden Update May 19

My garden is actually producing veggies! And weeds, and bugs.... I am thrilled with the produce! This is my first real garden, I have loads of herbs and tomatoes in my backyard garden but this is it for the real deal. My friend Beth and I are sharing the garden this year. We planted lettuce, onion, potato, radish, arugula, and broccoli. So far the garden is going well and I can't wait to plant the warm season veggies.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

9 month old Harper Elle

Harper turned 9 months on May 16, 2010. She weighs 21 pounds (85%) and is 27 inches long (35%). She was sick recently with bronchialitis and two ear infections. She is doing much better now evidence by cruising the daycare floors pulling hair, trying to pull up and cruise like the big kids, and charming the teachers everyday. She is such a sweet girl and snuggles up with you while sucking her thumb and the next thing you know she is jabbering and wiggling right out of your arms to get down and "go to work." That is what I say when she is busy busy and these days that is most of the time.

She is eating lots of yummy foods made by yours truly. I have loved making her foods but she will be moving over to table food really soon. Each little milestone is thrilling and sort of sad all in the same emotion. Why do they grow so fast? I guess that's why I take so many pictures.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fruits and Flowers, Anniversary #4

Bob and I were married on May 13, 2006 in Savannah Georgia. Hard to believe that it gone by so quickly. I would marry him again tomorrow. I loved my wedding, I love my husband, and it is amazing how having a child will bring you so much closer!

Fruits and flowers is the tradition for number 4 and both of us put our own spin on it. Bob gave me an awesome garden tote filled with all the essential gardening tools that are much needed. All the flowers I tend to in my garden will now have extra special attention with my new fancy gadgets:) I gave Bob a gorgeous shirt and tie that had small flowers in the print to remind him of me when he is out there working hard in his new endeavor.
Bob started a new job/career May 10th and would be out of town so we celebrated a week early. We went to Dinner at 55 South in downtown Franklin and sat outside to relax and people watch. It was a nice treat to get out and spend a little QT with the hubby while Grandma Cietek watched the babe.

On Thursday the 13th I got home from a long day of work, missing my hub, and Harper had achieved her first major bump on her head from a fall she had taken after trying to stand all on her own. To my surprise there was a huge bouquet of flowers on my front porch. That made all the ickiness float away. I'm an absolute sucker for flowers!

Mother's Day gift

This was a gift from Harper, is it not so sweet. If this is the case, Harper's world must change every second I am holding. I am compulsively kissing her and sometimes she puts her chubby little hand on my face to push it away. I love it, I just keep doing it until I make her laugh.

Mother's Day

"Harper Elle's teacher at school made this for me. The cupcake was so good I had it for not a good idea on an empty stomach."

What a wonderful thing to hear, Happy Mother's Day. I really never knew how great it would sound! On Sunday, I woke up and several texts on my phone greeted me with Happy Mother's Day. Afterward, my sweet babe starting jabbering and crying and as I picked her up out of her crib I thought every single mother's day I get to do this?! AMAZING!

Bob showered me with tons of gifts to celebrate my first mother's day and we went out to breakfast. We headed to Loveless Cafe but at 9:00 AM there was already an hour and a half wait...we didn't wait. We went to J Christopher's and it was excellent. After we went strolling and shopping with Harper. It was perfect, really I couldn't ask for a better day. I missed my Mom and sent her lots of love and kisses.

Six teeth

Around the beginning of May, Harper's most recent set of teeth popped through on the top totaling six teeth. It's so hard to get a shot of her because she is constantly moving and always trying to look anywhere you aren't. The high chair is your best bet at 8 months.

If you don't think the underbite is hysterical, you should check your sense of humor. I crack up daily at how she holds her teeth while she is crawling, jabbering, and even laughing.

Grandma visits

Grandma Cietek, who says she is still getting use to the name, came down the first week of May! She and Harper had a blast. Laughing, playing, and of course helping Moss stay in shape with lots of runs. Bob and I loved the visit as well, we had several nights out and lots of homemade pizza, meatballs, and lemon chicken tucked away in our fridge to feast on the next week.

Harper Elle is so silly....she has started squinting her eyes and turning her face into a jungle gym after eating sometimes. Half the time I believe she is tasting new flavors and textures, the other she is definitely learning how to "put on." She is really a ham.

Harper misses her Grandma already, sooo glad you came to visit and hurry back soon!

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