To think...a year ago this weekend is when I "knew" I was pregnant. Bob and I went to Kentucky to celebrate my mom's ( now referred to as Nana) 60th birthday and I was quite nauseous. A couple pregnancy tests later, 9 months of fun, and a whole lot of desserts...this is what I produced. Sign me up for another! Just kidding, don't any of you start getting any ideas, I need to practice on this one a little longer.
Nana and Poppie came in for the weekend and mom and I took Harper to Christmas Village. Ughhhh...what an experience. Long story short, I do not recommend it and will not be returning. It was like going to a festival, with way too many people, inside not out, and they were mostly women barelling each other over to get to the next monogrammed purse, keychain, or trinket of some sort! No thanks! Don't get me wrong, I like monogrammed items but not like these fools in bright every color you can imagine
Of course we had fun with Harper and making tons of pics. Nana loves putting headbands on her every chance she gets! I do to but I think she likes it a little more than me seeing that Harper got 4 new ones this weekend. She was a little sick for the first time, runny nose, congestion and cough but she is back up to speed now.
Saturday night we went to Dinner to celebrate Nana's bday and we had a lot of fun. One of the characters from Desperate Housewives of Nashville was sitting next to us. She was all of 28~ 29 with a huge rock on her hand, I meant to say hands, and her 60 year old love muffin on her hip at Dinner. They were sitting with her parents and it made for great "live" reality my mom and Bob thought. My dad and I just thought it was plain creepy. By the way, there isn't a DHW of Nashville but she soo wants to be, you know what I mean?
My mom is getting a big fancy camera for her birthday, so now we will have even more fun snapping off hundreds of pics. Tune in for a slew of photo opps around Thanksgiving.